On April 2, Becky was moved from the room that she had been in so far down to the 12th floor where most mothers who have given birth are roomed. It was a little hard being there on a floor where there were so many mothers with their babies in the room, but we made it up to see Jonathan which was nice. Today, Jonathan's CPAP was changed to a regular nasal cannula that delivered oxygen through his nose. Becky was also able to kangaroo Jonathan, which means holding him skin to skin. This is apparently great for premature babies as they are calmer and better able to regulate their temperatures when snuggled close to their mother or father. Jonathan also developed jaundice today which meant that he had to sit under a UV light to help get rid of the bilirubin that had built up in his body.
Becky kangaroos Jonathan

Becky kangaroos Jonathan

Jonathan under the light for his jaundice with some cool sunglasses...

Jonathan shows his eyes

Becky bids farewell to her room on the 13th floor
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