On April 3, Becky was able to go see Jonathan in the morning before she was discharged home in the afternoon. She was still very sore, but happy to be back in her own bed. It was nice being home, but very hard to be home without our son. Becky needed to rest in the evening, but I went back to check on Jonathan, and he was more awake than ever. He showed me all sorts of smiling faces while I sat by his bed in the evening. He made sweet little noises and even managed a trembling lip that looked a lot like his Mommy's trembling lip that works so well on me. Jonathan continued to do well and was taking small volumes of milk in via the tube in his mouth. He still received most of his nutrition by IV, but these feeds would prepare his GI tract for more in the future.
Jonathan's smile

Jonathan shows his eyes

Jonathan under the bili light for his jaundice with his "Oakleys"
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